Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Patch 4.3.2 - Finally some sort of Changes

""Players can no longer win multiple copies of the same item on a single Raid Finder boss kill. For example, a player who chooses Need on two set piece tokens or two weapons and wins the first, will not be eligible for the second on that particular boss."""

That My Friends is the Only Excitement Of this Patch that I have been waiting for!!!!! BLIZZARD FINALLY PARTIALLY STOPPED THE NINJAS!!!! It was so annoying seeing teh same person win all of the loot from one boss and your Like " WTF really?" and at the end they are like " Um yea I'll trade the item for something better if it drops" F-ing Douches.

Also WTF is:

  • Holy Radiance now costs 40% of base mana, up from 35%

For as long as I have been playing Wow, Pallies are always getting the Nerf Bat. I guess Priests, Shamans and Druids are Complaining too much that Pallies are OP healers. Here's a Hint....L2Play your Class Effectively...it does Help. If you cant play effectively try another class. =)

You can read all the Useless other notes for the Patch here Patch Notes

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